Staff and residents that are fully vaccinated are not required to have face coverings or distance. They can continue to use face covers if they wish. Non vaccinated residents will be told to use a face covering (by posted signs) and distance.  If you’d like to view the meeting virtually from your computer, tablet, or smartphone go here:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Cicero Town Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 commencing at 6:30 p.m. at the Cicero Town Hall 8236 Brewerton Rd., Cicero, NY 13039 to consider the speed limit change East Taft Road, in the Town of Cicero, shall be changed in the eastbound lane from the intersection of Northern Blvd. and East Taft Rd. to the Dewitt/Cicero town line (intersection of E. Taft Rd and Fly Rd) to 40 miles per hour and on the westbound lane shall be changed from the intersection of Northern Blvd. and East Taft Rd. to the intersection of East Taft Rd. and Fly Rd. to 40 miles per hour.  (To be known as Local Law #8 of 2021).

By the Cicero Town Board