The C. Vernon Conway Highway facility, begun in 2017, was dedicated on November 16, 2019. The facility was named in honor of retiring Deputy Supervisor C. Vernon Conway, in recognition of his 60+ years of dedicated service to the Cicero community,
Photo of public waiting for dedication to begin.Supervisor Venesky speaks, with Legislator Tim Burtis and honoree C. Vernon Conway looking on.
The ceremony began at 10 am and Supervisor Mark Venesky spoke, among others. There were also light refreshments and a tour of the facility. The plaque for the facility is at left.
History of Facility Development
Thanks to Joe Woznica, son of Highway Superintendent Chris Woznica, we are fortunate to have videos of the highway facility at various stages of its’ development..
November 2019
Summary of dedication ceremony, as published by Star-Review. Click here to view.
May 2019. 6. The major structures were in place and we had the first view of how the final facility would appear. Much work still lay ahead.
February 2019. 5. The skeletal framework was up, allowing the overall size of the facility to be viewed.
November 2018. 4. A significant milestone was reached, the raising of initial steel girders.
October 2018. 3. This video shows the initial clearing of the site.
November 2017.
2. Groundbreaking took place, as recorded by the Star-Review. Click Here to view...
Initial Study Reports
1. The information gathered prior to building the new facility may be viewed by clicking here.