The County Executive has issues a county-wide Proclamation of Emergency, effective through June 30th, which includes a CURFEW, effective immediately, through to and including Friday, June 5th, for the hours of 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. Please share this with your neighbors.

Text from the proclamation relating to the curfew is below. The full proclamation may be viewed by clicking here.

"Pursuant to this Proclamation of Emergency, to protect life and property and to bring the emergency situation into control, a curfew is established, effective immediately, prohibiting all persons from remaining in any public place during the hours of 8:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m., which shall include a prohibition on pedestrian and vehicular movement into or within the County or any area of the County. This curfew shall not apply to individuals providing essential emergency services such as fire, police, law enforcement, ambulance, and/or hospital services including transportation of patients, utility emergency repairs, and emergency calls by physicians. Further, this curfew shall not apply to persons travelling to and from places of employment. This curfew is intended to prohibit the presence of persons on public streets and public places.

"This Curfew shall remain in effect for five days through June 5, 2020, as provided for by law, unless earlier terminated or extended by subsequent act of the Onondaga County Executive."

Bill Meyer,
Town Supervisor