Town of Cicero Municipal offices remain open, but per orders of the Governor have reduced non-essential staff. It is vital for the health of our staff and of the public that we all support social distancing requests to the extent possible and understand that schools and businesses are closed with intent of keeping people home rather than in public buildings. As such, the public is asked to avoid coming to any Town facilities unless absolutely necessary.

Much of town business such as tax payments, dog licensing, exemption filing, payment of court fines, questions/inquiries, and other matters can easily be handled using email, telephone, U.S. mail, or by taking advantage of the information and online payment options on our website:

Before you visit a town office in person, please take a moment and consider whether your business can wait or, if not, whether it be conducted via one of these alternative options rather than visiting in person. For health tracking purposes, any visitors to the building offices will be asked to sign in.

Emergency and other essential services such as snow and trash removal will continue as normal however, the Town of Cicero has made the above changes to comply with limitations on social gatherings (please be advised that all info is subject to change and dates subject to extension as the situation dictates.)

Bill Meyer, Town Supervisor