For forms pertaining to employment, please see
For forms pertaining to Parks & Recreation, please see the Parks & Recreation Page.
Grievance form (Complaint on Real Property Assessment – Form RP-524) and instructions (RP-524-Ins) are available at the Assessor’s office or may be downloaded here: Form RP-524 and Form RP-524 Instructions. Additional assessment information is available at the Assessor’s office and at All property tax forms are available at
Name Change: To change a name on an assessment record the Assessor’s Office must have legal verification (death certificate, marriage license, divorce decree) for the name change. The Assessor cannot add or delete a property owner’s name without proof of legal change. Please complete the name change form and return it to our office with a copy of the legal verification either in person or by mail. Change of Name Form. Address Change: To change the address for mailing any information sent from Assessor’s Office or from Tax Receiver for tax bills, a written request must be presented to the Assessor’s Office, signed by the owner of the property. Please complete the address change form, signed by the property owner, and return it to the Assessor’s Office, either in person or by mail. Change of Address Form.
Applying: When applying for a Building Permit, an application must be obtained from the Department of Zoning and Planning. Fees are based on the value of the work and therefore vary. Please submit an accurate copy of your survey indicating where the work will occur. Comprehensive construction plans must be submitted with the application. Surveys are most likely kept with your mortgage papers. Certificate of Occupancy (CO): As of June 1, 2014, temporary certificates of occupancy (TCO) will no longer be issued, unless under extreme circumstances, those as deemed necessary by the authority of the director of code enforcement. Corner lots: Corner lots are more restricted because of the building line setbacks. We suggest that you bring a copy of your survey to our office with any questions on proposed construction. Drainage Easements: No person shall fill, obstruct, block or materially alter water drainage in a right-of-way or easement or permit such water drainage easement to remain filled, obstructed or blocked. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to mow, cut or otherwise maintain the grass or other plants and foliage growing in, over and around the easement. Flooding: If you live in the 100-Year Flood Zone, a Flood Plain Development Permit must be applied for along with your Building Permit for ANY work. In some cases, a Flood Plain Permit must be obtained for work that does not require a Building Permit (such as siding, windows, painting, grading, etc.). Click Here to download the Flood Plain Development Permit. Grading, Excavation and Fill: Before any excavation or filling of more than 10 cubic yards is commenced for any purpose (other than those excepted in section120-3B of the chapter) and sand, gravel, rock, topsoil, turf or earth is removed from the ground or placed on it, the owner or agent of the owner or lessee of the premises shall obtain a permit from the Planning Board. Please contact the Department of Zoning and Planning with any questions or for additional information.
Department of Zoning and Planning Town of Cicero Town Hall 8236 Brewerton Road Cicero, NY 13039
The Site Plan Application is required before opening a business in Cicero. Other, related forms are the Subdivision Application Form and the Zone Change Application .
The Zone Variance Application Form is required when appealing to the Zoning Board of Appeals, ALL forms must be sent to:
Department of Zoning and Planning Town of Cicero Town Hall 8236 Brewerton Road Cicero, NY 13039