PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Cicero Town Board will be holding a public hearing on February 8, 2023, commencing at 6:30 pm local time to consider the adoption of a resolution approving and immediately thereafter enacting the real property tax exemptions established pursuant to the new Chapter 670 of the Laws of 2022 recently enacted by the New York State Legislature. The newly amended Section 466 of the Real Property Tax Law allows an up to 10% tax exemption on Town taxes for qualifying volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers who own real property in the Town effective by operation of law in 2035 unless sooner enacted by the taxing jurisdiction. At the public hearing, the Town Board will also consider whether to adopt additional benefits for volunteers with at least twenty (20) years of service.

If you’d like to view the meeting virtually from your computer, tablet, or smartphone go to:

By the order of the Cicero Town Board