Please take notice that the Town of Cicero Planning Board, in response to the continuing emergency circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and consistent with the NYS Governor’s Executive Orders, including but not limited to, Executive Order 202.1, shall continue its scheduled public hearings concerning
- the Cindy Stone Site Plan (9360 Bartel Road – Tax Map #108.-02-09.0) and
- the Melfi Subdivision (6 Brodhead Drive – Tax Map #079.-02-08.1)
on May 6, 2020, commencing at 6:30 pm and to be held virtually. The public shall not be allowed to attend the meeting in person due to the 10 person guidelines. Persons wishing to view the meeting shall be allowed to do so via the Town of Cicero Facebook page at . All meetings of the Planning Board will be recorded and later transcribed. Once approved by the Planning Board, the transcriptions will be made available online at the Town of Cicero website at
By Order of: Mark Marzullo, Chairman
Town of Cicero Planning Board