The undersigned, Supervisor of the Town of Cicero, does hereby call a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cicero, to be held at the Cicero Town Hall, 8236 Brewerton Road, Cicero, NY, commencing on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., to conduct business that was originally scheduled for the Regular Town Board Meeting of March 25, 2020.

Please Take Notice that the Town of Cicero, in response to the continuing emergency circumstances caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and consistent with the NYS Governor’s Executive Orders, including but not limited to, Executive Order 202.1, shall conduct its Special Town Board Meeting on April 1, 2020, commencing at 6:30 pm and to be held at Cicero Town Hall, 8236 Brewerton Road, Cicero, New York 13039.  The public shall not be allowed to attend the meeting due to the 10 person guidelines. Persons wishing to view the meeting shall be allowed to do so by participation of the Town of Cicero Facebook page.   Further, the public is encouraged to offer its comments in writing to the town by email communications to the town clerk at no later than March 31, 2020, at 10:00 am.  All comments will be entered into the record and distributed to all board members.  Fax communications will also be accepted and may be sent to (315) 699-0039.  Mailed comments should be sent to: Town clerk, Town of Cicero at 8236 Brewerton Road, Cicero, NY 13039.  All meetings of the town will be recorded and later transcribed.  The transcriptions will be made available on line upon review and completion at April 15, 2020.  

 The meeting may include any other business that comes before the Board.                                                                                                                               

William H. Meyer, Jr.
Town of Cicero Supervisor